
Sunday 21 April 2013

Pretty Cow

Living in a country where we see a lot of these cows, I just had to use this image!

The card is for the following challenges:
Kaboodle Doodles - Black and white
De Creatieve Zebra - card with a beast (at least I think that is the translation!)
Totally Papercrafts - Monochromatic

The card uses a background paper from a matstack by DCWV called Immortal Love.  I have added strips of Glitter Tape by American Crafts for a bit of sparkle.  The image is from Bugaboo Stamps and has been coloured using copic markers R000, C1 and 100.  I also added a tiny pearl to the centre of the flower.  The sentiment comes from Sans Designs.


  1. What a cute card!

    Thanks for joining us at Kaboodle Doodles this week.

  2. Wat leuk in zwart-wit!
    Die koe is wel erg schattig.
    Leuk dat je meedeed aan de challenge bij De Creatieve Zebra!

    Groetjes van Dieke.

  3. So cute!
    Thanks for playing with us at TPC this week.
    Good luck.
    Debs xx
