
Friday 11 March 2016

Recycled Card Storage

I drink alot of hot chocolate and so have ended up wih alot of the boxes that it comes in!  I am going to put some to use to store completed cards.

I would like to enter my box into these challenges:
QKR Stampede - Recycling
Crafting with Friends - Anything Goes

I have used a hot chocolate box and covered it with layers of gesso.  I then painted using some acrylic paint.  I placed some washi tape at an angle.  The image is from QKR Stampede and is coloured with copic markers.  I also added a title using some letter dies from Tattered Lace.


  1. Oooh, so cute- so colorfull!
    Thanks for joining with us at QKR Stampede this week, see you soon again! Hugs, Pirjo DT

  2. Awwh

    Awwh! Such a sweetie...A Wonderful creation. I LOve your colours and design. Thank you so much for joining us this week at QKR Stampede.

  3. Great idea Suze! Gorgeous coloring! Thanks for joining our Recycling Challenge at QKR Stampede!

    Brenda DT
