
Thursday 20 August 2020

I'm Glad You're In My Block of Friends

Due to the pandemic, this card has taken a very long time to reach the recipient.  I sent this card to Mia in April but it still hasn't reached her.  I have decided that rather than keep this post in my drafts I will post it.  I'm not sure if Mia follows my blog or not so don't know if she will see it.

EDIT 25 Aug - I have just been advised by Mia that she has received it - took 5 months to reach her.  I wonder where it has been all this time - if only cards could talk!  I am just really thrilled that she did actually receive it and it hadn't got lost along the way

This is the prompts that we had:

And this is the card I sent to Mia:

Now it is difficult to remember what I used for this card.  I have a feeling I may have used some sort of glossy paper or cardstock for the background and my Gelli plate with acrylic paints.  I used my binding machine to cut the notches on the left before I adhered the piece to the card blank.  I added a sentiment from Mudmaven Designs.

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo glad I finally received this gorgeous card, Suze. Thank you so much, my dear friend. I think the card travelled the whole world before reaching my house! Ha ha! And yes, my dear lady. I follow your blog but I haven't visited you lately as I was on vacation. Kisses!!!
