
Thursday 3 September 2020

Joyeux Noel

When I decided to follow a sketch for this card, I overlooked that the sketch also had an embossing element to it.  So, it won't be entered in that challenge.

I would like to enter:

Paperbabe Stamps - Anything Goes

A Bit More Time To Craft - Anything Goes

A Bit More Time To Craft Extra - September Challenge

I have used two digital papers from Lozzy.  The image is from Paperbabe Stamps and the sentiment is one from my Awaiting Crafting box (might be a clear/rubber stamp but I'm not certain of that)

I followed the sketch at Winter Wonderland but forgot the embossing (duh) so can't actually enter that challenge


  1. A beautiful card, I love the shape of the sketch you have followed. Thank you for sharing over @ Paperbabe Stamps and joining our Anything Goes Challenge. Creative wishes Tracey (DT)

  2. Hi Suze, love your card and thank you for entering over at A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge...Hugs Lozzy xx
    ps.let you know that your card is number 51. Sorry you been having problems linking up, not sure whats going on as you can enter as many times with different card as you like...know blogger has been playing up just lately which i think is due to they changing over to the new look blogger
