
Tuesday 30 November 2021

Behold The Lamb of God

I still had a few larger pieces from earlier challenges that I was able to use with a scrap from Day Twenty Nine (Z).  This card and the next one I have to upload fall into that category.

I have used scraps from Day Nine (H), Day Fifteen (M) and Day Twenty Nine (Z).  The image and sentiment are from Beccy's Place.

I would like to enter:

Beccy's Place - Month of Holiday Cards

CHNC Patterned Paper - November Challenge

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful mix of patterned papers Suze, and I love the mirror card borders. I think the shiny card brings a touch of elegance to any design. Great layout and lovely colouring... I like that you've left the lambs and the blankets white, it really focuses the attention on the baby Jesus. Beautiful.
