
Thursday 24 November 2022

Deck The Halls

I realised that it is within a week of the end of the month, and if I am going to use all my scraps by then that I need to do some more cards with what I have so far.  I may end up with uploading a few scrap cards in the next few days while the weather is still not the best.  It is really hard to believe that it is the start of summer next week!

I would like to enter:

Beccy's Place - Month of Holiday Cards

I have used scraps from the November cards for Beccy's Place Month of Holiday Cards.  I also added an image from Beccy's Place (from retired set called Blessings of The Season) and some stickers.

I followed a tutorial by Sam Calcott.



  1. November always seems to fly by Suze, I think it's because we're all busy getting ready for Christmas. Good luck using up the rest of your offcuts, you've done a great job so far!

  2. I like the layout of the scraps, Suze, and the graduating sizes of the holly sprigs complement them nicely
