
Thursday 1 December 2022

Holly Gift Holder

 I used this same sheet to die-cut some tags from a couple of weeks ago.  When I saw a tutorial for a Gift Card Holder, I wanted to make one and this paper was perfect for it.

and this is the inside with the gift holder on the left.  I didn't have a gift card that I could use so I cut a dummy one from blue-ish patterned paper.

I would like to enter:

Beccy's Place - Month of Holiday Cards

I resized the paper to fit the panels.  I'm not sure of the source of the paper that I used for the gift holder.  It was one that I accidentally printed on the wrong paper and had put aside for scrap paper.  The holly image is from Beccy's Place.  I inked around the image with Distress Oxide (Fossilized Amber). 

I followed a tutorial by Antonio Makes.

1 comment:

  1. Your gift card holder is wonderful Suze, it's a lovely way to give them as presents. I like the paper, it's a fabulous mix of patterns and colours.
