Sunday 3 November 2013

Window and Garden Cart

I almost didn't get this card made.  It has been one of those months where a couple of extra hours here and there would have been great.   I was away for the first two weeks of the month and have spent the rest of the month trying to catch up!  Just starting to get on top of things and managed to squeeze in enough time to complete this card:

I am entering the card into the following challenges:
The Outlawz CFC Challenge - combining both images

I have used a background paper from DCWV - Natural Matstack.  The images are from Anne's Cards 4 U and Sandi's Samples as part of the challenge linked above.  I used a die-cut for the window image and fussy cut the garden cart.  Colouring is with copic markers.  The sentiment is from Sans Designs.

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