Friday 20 December 2019

Christmas Decorating

I hadn't got around to decorating for Christmas - it has just been one of those years where I am constantly behind!  Ron's friends Jassin and Eldrin came to help him with the decorating.  They pulled out the banner that somehow seems to go up every year!

Here is a photo from last year, taken when it was up on the wall:

In case you can't read it, it says "The Elf Rules".  Guess who made that?

I would like to enter:
DL Art - 7th Annual Elf Antics


  1. I hear ya, Suze! I'm way behind in the decorating, too. Glad Ron has some friends to help. Great banner. I'll bet Ron made that one! xxD

  2. Lol, well I guess we know who's boss in your house by that banner! I can't let Loopy see this or she'll be pulling out the craft supplies to make one for herself too

  3. How fun! I hope Ron and his buddies get the banner up! Eli thinks the elf rules too!

  4. I'm going to have Suzy help me finish today. She would love that banner!
