Thursday 19 December 2019

Morning Tea with a friend

Ron went visiting today.  He found a giant rabbit friend to share some morning tea with.  They are ready with their serviettes.......but where is the morning tea?  I hope that they don't have too long to wait for it!

I would like to link to:
DL Art - 7th Annual Elf Antics


  1. Oh what a giant bunny! I hope the pot of tea is big enough.

  2. Cute bunny. I had an English Breakfast Tea Latte this morning. Last yr We bought a new Keurig that came with a latte/cappuccino device. Sold the former Keurig on Craig's List.

  3. Haha, looks like Ron is ready to take a nap with that napkin as a blanket! Happy tea time Ron!

  4. That rabbit is very cute and looks quite cuddly. Ron seems to agree. Festive napkins, too. Bring on the tea! xxD

  5. I'd snuggle up with that rabbit too for tea time. Ron knows how to enjoy a nice break!

  6. Tea time with Ron and Bunny! Eli will be right over to join the tea party!
