Thursday 10 December 2020


 It appears that Ron had been reading about Eli being detained and didn't want that to happen to him.  So he has been busy making face masks for himself and also for Eldrin and Jassin.

So they are all set now.  I suppose that means that I will need to take them with me when I go out now!

You can read all about Eli as well as the other elves here:

They would all like to meet some other elves too!


  1. This is too cute, Suze! What a great photo to represent Christmas 2020! Nice job, Ron, the face masks are just what the doctor ordered! I'm glad your elves are prepared - maybe if Eli had planned ahead, he wouldn't be in this boat! I think Eli must be held in quarantine but a phone call would be nice! He was always a social butterfly and liked to party but this is not the year for it!

  2. Well, isn't Ron industrious and so sweet to think of Eldrin and Jassin, as well? I'd just send them out to take care of stuff for you, Suze.

  3. Now the elves will expect you to wear your mask while in the house, Suze, and think what a pain that will be! lol We needed a break from our elf so we put him n 'jail (locked in the closet) but he shredded all the winter coats hanging in there and threatened to tell Santa about such abuse so we let him out and bribed him with peanut butter cookies - his favorites. :-D

  4. Ron is very smart to make masks. They are all ready now if they have to go anywhere.
