Saturday 12 December 2020

More Decorating

 Ron decided that the place needed a bit more of a Christmassy look so he went back into the Christmas decorations and found these canvasses.  He is going to take down the everyday ones and put up the Christmas ones.  I think he might need some help though.

And of course, he has the Christmas music blasting out!

Come check out all the elves at:


  1. I think Sara is a little disappointed that we have just the basics up this year. But she's so pleasant and doesn't seem to mind. Ron must be a big help too.

  2. Oh dear! I guess he does need bigger arms for that. Great canvasses!

  3. Ron is having so much fun decorating with the Christmas music blaring. I wonder if the canvas on the left is a self-portrait of Ron? Very cute - they both are!

  4. Are you sure Ron isn't just sleeping on the job? Too many hours of decorating can knock the stuffing right out of an elf, you know. :-D
